Monday 28 September 2015

How to spot an energy sucker?

James Redfield, the author of the bestselling, 'The Celestine Prophecy', explains that when love first happens, the individuals are giving each other energy unconsciously and both people feel buoyant and elated. That's the incredible high we call being ‘in love.’ Unfortunately, once they expect this feeling to come from another person, they cut themselves off from the energy in the universe and begin to rely even more on the energy from each other--only now there doesn’t seem to be enough and so they stop giving each other energy and fall back into their dramas in an attempt to control each other and force the other’s energy their way. We humans have always sought to increase our personal energy in the only manner we have known, by seeking to psychologically steal it from the others--an unconscious competition that underlies all human conflict in the world.

Here is how you can spot a energy sucker:
  1. They always complaint. They have a habit of cribbing and may even go up to the extent of being abusive while expressing their grievances, the majority of them are insignificant 
  2. Sees no hope anywhere instead focuses on the darkness of the cloud and not the silver lining. Even if they were to receive the best of everything, they do feel blessed but only for a brief period of time. 
  3. They do love you but if you share your future plans with them they will instill fear in you by talking things that are likely to make you feel that you are destined for some shit experiences ahead. Just to clarify, this is not their mistake but their thought process itself is programmed make them look at everything through pessimistic lenses
  4. They ask questions that have no relevance at all, be careful not to answer all of them, as you will only lose your vital life energy in that process. Remember, the questions you will answer today, are going to return in a few weeks perhaps with new words but the same meaning
  5. They will pass judgement on almost everything and anything that you do, most of these judgements will sound hurtful and be careful around such type as hearing them over and over again may even lead you to doubt yourself and your decisions

How can I feel happy even if there is no any reason of happiness in life?

One of the best ways to generate happiness with no significant reason is simply by becoming aware of:
  1. All the wonderful blessings you are enriched with, which includes your eyes that enable you to read this apart from many other parts of your body that allow you to lead a normal life. This TED talk will make more sense to what I am trying to say. 
  2. All the resources that you have an easy access to. The very thought that roughly 3.1 million children die each year due to malnutrition (which makes up approximately 8494 children everyday according to the data given by WFP), it will be difficult for you to not appreciate the most simplest of resources that you have an easy access to by which I mean "food" 
  3. All the lovely people (even if they be one or two). A study describes a condition called as Emotional Deprivation Disorder, a syndrome which results from a lack of authentic affirmation and emotional strengthening in one's life. A person may have been criticized, ignored, neglected, abused, or emotionally rejected by primary caregivers early in life, resulting in that individual’s stunted emotional growth. If you have even a few people in your life with whom you can open up and share whatever it is that you wish to, then you indeed have a good reason to celebrate life without the need to have any significant event like becoming the CEO of the company you work for

Why self limiting thoughts are dangerous?

No matter how much we curse them but at the end of all games it becomes evident that without pain and hard times, strength is seldom achieved and with no strength of soul one will never be able to live life to its fullest.

The difference between those who go through toughest times while being abused emotionally and mentally with no support or help to depend on and those who despite of having a comfortable access to all resources is simply the ability to recognize a hero within one self, to picture one’s future as a leader or a difference maker, someone who is meant for larger than life achievements, someone who is going to bring about incredible changes to the lives of many people, and finally, someone who will leave a grand legacy behind. 

The root of all our suffering is that we have been conditioned to restrict ourselves in terms of our thoughts and actions, we are told to fight for survival and we are told that the world we live in is a brutally dangerous place where we are supposed to compete or die. We repeatedly hear words that push us to become highly conservative in our approach to everything and anything. We start believing that the more we save today the more safe we will be tomorrow. We are told to take safer decisions so that we will be assured of a better life. 

We are all plagued with thoughts that revolve around safety and security, we think before we spend; we work endlessly sacrificing our own dreams so that we can put all our efforts working for the giant corporations. In the end of this journey when we reach our deathbeds staring at the ceiling and listing down our regrets one by one.