Tuesday 22 September 2015

What are the things that heartbreak has taught you?

Although, heartbreaks are undesirable but like failures they too are equally important for they make you stronger and wiser.
  1. It is important to make yourself a 'top priority' 
  2. Being emotionally attached with someone is not a mistake but allowing your emotions to flow freely without balancing them with rationality should be avoided 
  3. Whenever people meet you they always show you the side that they want you to see. We all have our natural defenses always in place and we use them to safeguard our true self within that we perhaps do not wish others to know about. This is the reason why it becomes a challenge to know someone inside out. However, if you can make someone feel super comfortable and pay attention to their gestures and subtle body language signals and make them feel at ease, then they may lower their defenses and allow you to take a glimpse of their true inner nature 
  4. Never choose someone just because you feel happy in his/her presence but rather choose them because the values you believe in, blend peacefully with the values they believe in. If I believe in modernity and my partner believes in orthodoxy, no matter how much we try and understand each other, there will always be a large gap between both of us on an intellectual level and later this will lead to an emotional distancing too

The Search

I searched for Guidance,
I searched for Knowledge,
I searched for Happiness,
And I searched for Peace,

I searched for it in the place I stay,
I searched for It, Night and Day,
I searched for it almost everywhere ,
But to all my lot came an everlasting despair,

I searched for the Divine Master,
I searched for his blessings and Mercy,
I searched for the truth that will liberate me,
From the prison that was a creation of none but me.

The days slipped into months and months into years,
But neither did I find answers but,
Raised were my questions,
After a journey,
That was Left fruit-less.

And when my cries saw no limits,
And when my tears lost themselves in the color of blood,
In the deepest of Silence,
I heard a voice,
Saying to me,
Blessed am I in abundance from thee,
My search ends here it said,
As you have come face to face with truth,
What you were seeking outside, O saddened Seeker,
Is present nowhere but within you.

God resides in You
Knowledge and guidance lies deep Inside you,
Peace and happiness surrounds you,
But you know not.

Gods Blessings and Mercy,
Is the very light of your soul?
And you are the manifestation of Freedom and Liberty,
Strangely, Asking for Liberation.
But Alas, O Seeker, you know not.

You Call upon me thinking you are bereft from
All the good that exists,
But how insane you are that,
You know not anything about your own true self.

Your Search ends here,
As you are the seeker So True
Look within yourself with Faith
And you will see me in You.

Letting Go made easy!!!

Just follow the following steps (do this when your mood is positive or at the least neutral ) : -
  1. Close your eyes 
  2. Welcome your uncomfortable feelings 
  3. Feel them completely without any resistance 
  4. Know that these feelings are not a part of you and hence you have the option of freeing yourself from them as they are not YOU 
  5. NOW say to yourself "I welcome these feelings" 
  6. Wait for a few seconds and then say "I know that these feelings are not me" 
  7. Now say "I accept that its time to let go of them" 
  8. Now finally say "I release and free myself from this burden here and NOW" 
Once you have finished doing step 8 you can slowly open your eyes and take a deep breath and smile.

P.S. After watching The Sedona Method Movie by Hale Dwoskin I applied a few of his techniques and came up with the above "8 Step Process" that if practiced regularly can FREE you from the past burden that you are living with.