Tuesday 22 September 2015

What are the things that heartbreak has taught you?

Although, heartbreaks are undesirable but like failures they too are equally important for they make you stronger and wiser.
  1. It is important to make yourself a 'top priority' 
  2. Being emotionally attached with someone is not a mistake but allowing your emotions to flow freely without balancing them with rationality should be avoided 
  3. Whenever people meet you they always show you the side that they want you to see. We all have our natural defenses always in place and we use them to safeguard our true self within that we perhaps do not wish others to know about. This is the reason why it becomes a challenge to know someone inside out. However, if you can make someone feel super comfortable and pay attention to their gestures and subtle body language signals and make them feel at ease, then they may lower their defenses and allow you to take a glimpse of their true inner nature 
  4. Never choose someone just because you feel happy in his/her presence but rather choose them because the values you believe in, blend peacefully with the values they believe in. If I believe in modernity and my partner believes in orthodoxy, no matter how much we try and understand each other, there will always be a large gap between both of us on an intellectual level and later this will lead to an emotional distancing too

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