Sunday 27 September 2015

Should you give up your self respect to save your love and relationship?

If the relationship demands that you give up on your self-respect indicates that it based on the foundation of fear and lack and not love and abundance.

Love is a source of strength, not weakness. Your self-respect is the most important aspect of your life, it is like a human currency fetching real wealth that manifests as confidence in oneself; a feeling that one is behaving with honour and dignity.

True love or relationship will never put you in a condition where your partner demands you to compromise on your self-respect. Know that it is your self-respect that really makes you a human. With no self-respect there wouldn't really be much difference between you and an inanimate object (apart from the fact that you can talk and move on your own).

Love strengthens and inspires you to be better and to live life with cheer of heart and peace of mind.

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