Sunday 27 September 2015

How can one use mindfulness to enhance the quality of your everyday life?

When your mind is at peace with the activity that you are doing in the present moment, the quality of that experience gets a booster dose. This is because, your mind focuses completely in the NOW moment and you feel at ease with the subject you are learning. I understood this concept when I compared the mind with a smartphone. The more apps you run the more it will be slow and laggy, leading to a frustrating user experience. However, when you use only one app at a time, you will see the mobile working on its top speed. It won't heat up. The battery will not drain fast. The RAM will be at its optimum and most importantly you will enjoy your experience of using that app, no matter how complicated the operation of that app may be.

A few tips that may help you:
  1. Sit with your spine erect, according to Yogic science this helps in calming your mind down from the chaotic traffic of thoughts
  2. Focus on your breathing whenever you feel like you are being lost in past or future, let your breathing be your anchor to mindfulness
  3. Stop whatever it is that you are doing and just make an effort of listening to the sounds in your environment, like the sound of light traffic outside, people walking, air conditioner or even the tick tock of the analog wall clock in the room
  4. If the whole thing is getting too complicated and your thoughts seem to be on an endless trail. Just plug in headphones and play nature sounds and close your eyes for not more than 60 seconds. I call it the one minute meditation. It does work if you allow your mind to calm down for just 60 seconds (even if you can manage making your mind cease the traffic of thoughts for 10 seconds, it is more than enough)

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