Sunday 27 September 2015

Are there any innovative ways to control Anger?

Anger is the most unwise emotion to have and here are the reasons why:

  1. Anger makes you go out of control and the actions that spring forth from anger are actions that you are most likely to regret later
  2. Anger in you leads to the creation of anger in someone else (if not sooner then surely later, until that person is on the verge of becoming enlightened on top of the Himalayas) but if he is like an ordinary chap like you and me then being too angry on him will lead to an equal reaction from him that can in turn make the situation chaotic
  3. On a neurological level, anger makes your amygdala (the fight or flight response system of your brain) dominate your cortex (the reasoning and logical part of your brain) this complete shuts down the scope of thinking and acting out of wisdom, which could have created an alternative outcome, perhaps a favourable one
  4. If you are getting angry on people who matter to you, then anger becomes a silent killer of relationships and trust and sometimes this can become irreversible leading to an end of that relationship forever
What can one do to get anger under control?
  1. Practicing the art of “quickly listing down alternatives”. Before acting out of the impulse to go nasty and regret later. Just ask yourself once if there is an alternate method to deal with this situation. The more you practice this the more better you will get at it.
  2. Breathing. The next time you get angry, try to breathe calmly and slowly. Science proves that breathing is directly related to anger. If you breathe faster, your blood pressure increases which results in anger. On the other hand, if you breathe slowly and calmly, the body temperature becomes neutral and you are able to control yourself in that situation.
  3. Getting away from that place for some time. Yogic sciences and many other philosophies around the world talk about the energy exchange that is constantly happening at all times with all of us. The more you hang out with positive people the better will be your mood throughout the day and vice-versa. One of the best things to get rid of anger attack, is to leave the room for some time so that you can break away from the negative energy that is being hurled at you. Once you feel neutral you can jump in the scene again (if necessary)
  4. Lying down for a few minutes. According to an article published in Telegraph in the year 2009, when you are lying down (on your back as if you are about to doze off) your ability to calm down anger increases
  5. Let the law take its own course. If you are in a situation where you are dealing with a troublesome jerk and have made it a point to teach him a lesson, instead of getting angry just use the law against him. In an office environment this can mean, creating a buzz and informing the HR as well as your immediate Manager about the culprit. Outside the office, we have the judiciary system with its various penal codes

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