Friday 14 August 2015

A quick hack for boosting your Productivity

According to a recent study done by the Acoustical Society of America confirms that employees can get more done and feel more positive if there are nature sounds playing in the background while they work.

During three sessions in the same room, the researchers asked 12 participants to complete a test requiring sustained attention. Each session featured a different soundscape in the background: office sounds muffled by white noise, office sounds masked with the sound of "flowing water in a mountain stream," and office sounds with no masking noise.

What did they find? When listening to the natural sounds, the workers not only performed better on the task, but also reported feeling more positive about their environment than they did in the other sessions.

You can get started by using YouTube, just type in the search bar 'Nature Sounds' and you will have a long list of nature sounds (some with still images and some with soothing videos). Another quick tip that will save your bandwidth is to visit TuneIn, a portal where you will find almost all worldwide radio shows being streamed online and through their App. TuneIn enables you can listen to any Nature Sound radio among millions of other genres.

Happy Productivity!!!

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