Monday 17 August 2015

He is busy working for you, while you are enjoying your day off.. WHO IS HE/SHE?

Whenever I shop in a mall or talk to a Call Centre agent at 2 am in the morning to reschedule my flight booking, I just can't help but feel grateful for all the wonderful things that I am blessed with.
Why do I feel that way? Read on and allow this one to sink in...

It is a festive holiday and I am shopping in a Mall for a new cell phone and there is a salesperson on the other side of the counter helping me make an informed choice about the cell phone that I should buy. I end up window shopping and leave the kiosk without buying anything. He greets me with a smile as I leave his vicinity, his eyes looking at other people who are ready with their set of questions. The smile is still ON. 

As I now drive back home, I am flooded with thoughts of gratitude that makes me thank God in all sincerity for His endless blessings, (believe me, enjoying my time on a festive holiday spending time doing a little window shopping is just one of them).

If you are reading this, I request you to make it a point of greeting them and speaking three simple words 'How are you?' with a smile, whether you are in front of a salesperson in that store or talking to a call centre agent on the phone, doing this will not cost you a buck but it makes them feel valued and that is an incredible feeling for most of them if not all.

Trust me, I have been a call centre agent for more than 2 years and I know exactly how it feels like.

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