Thursday 17 September 2015

Can we really get rid of Suffering?

Pain is when events or people turn against you (deliberately or unintentionally) and that in turn hurts you emotionally/mentally or even physically. Pain, when remains uncured or keeps on returning after short breaks of temporary relief, one can say that one is going through 'suffering’. 

Suffering is ‘pain’ from all aspects of life, grouped together. 

Buddha once said that all life is suffering. Was he hinting at the very nature of life and all that it governs.
Are we born to suffer?
If not then what was he trying to say?

Since a long time, I have noticed that great thoughts and insights often come to me while I am deeply engrossed in some activity (this happens with you too, if you ever noticed). This happened with me a few days back while I was running on the treadmill, the trail of thoughts began with a question –

Can we get rid of suffering permanently?

The answer is both Yes and No. 'Yes', because suffering is a perception of mind and we can turn it off through an approach that I will be discussing soon and 'No', because undesirable experiences cannot be stopped no matter what you do or how influential you are. You may conclude that you are happy because you have a great career, a big house, a nice car and a wonderful family but you cannot really guarantee that you are free from pain. Mr. Pain is stubborn enough to find a way to enter into your experiences. It can come in the form of bad health, a break-up or divorce, a loss of job or bankruptcy of your business. If I were to graphically present life, I would draw it this way.

Life should be clearly understood as a matter made of a unit called ‘time’ which is never still but keeps on fluctuating through desirable times or happiness and undesirable times or suffering.

Here is a quote that forms the very essence of all my thoughts that have so far occurred to me about this subject.

If you cannot get rid of suffering – make suffering ‘IRRELEVANT’

How to make Suffering IRRELEVANT? - Coming Soon

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