Friday 2 October 2015

Get rid of fear of death and all your fears will be gone

Back in 2003, I was a chubby overweight kid who was always made fun of by the society at large, yes the society at large, It began with students in the school and went all the way to the men in the public transport bus. Becoming a centre of joke and a means to have a random laugh, became a norm for me. Eventually leading to the creation of fear of people. I took it till a certain extent but when things use to get beyond my capacity of tolerance, it became a challenge for me to give it back to people. I was never a 'tough guy' types, may be that is the reason why I swallowed all jokes  a.k.a mental harassments with a pinch of salt.
This continued for many many years and finally came the turning point which manifested as a question that I ended up asking myself-

Isn't it better to die than to live a life full of fears that aren't allowing me to be happy?

As I pondered over this question for days and weeks, a subtle evolution began within me. I realized that If I am so deeply frustrated that I am able to welcome death then why not give a shot of putting things back to where they were and starting a fresh new story.

CHANGE came to my rescue. But this wasn't the kind of change that someone else was forcing me to apply. It came from my a deeper personal need. A desperate need to get rid of pain and move towards peace and happiness. I scribbled out on a piece of paper all the causes of my fear and did a 'why' analysis on each and every cause that came to my mind.

I changed the way I ate, slept, walked, talked and even dressed. For some reason, It felt like I am on drugs. It felt empowering. When I went out in the public with this renewed sense of self, things changed too. I was no more a centre of joke, in fact, I ended up radiating strength and confidence.
I worked out and consumed proper diet, cutting down on junk and sugary foods. I lost weight and that in turn boosted my confidence in the social arena.

All I learnt from these experiences was that if you can get rid of the fear of death and understand that every day of yours is numbered, you will have no other option but to get yourself out there and start creating the life that you wanna live. A life of your dreams. A life that will allow you to die with no regrets.

Death is not a bad thing, it is a necessity for us to know how important urgency in life is. Act now. Do not wait for any sort of evolution to take place. No one can live your version of life and so no one is capable of doing those incredible things that you can do. Do not limit your dreams.
Take that step NOW and put an end to all your weaknesses.

Live infinite... 

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