Thursday 20 August 2015

5 tips to make Life more SIMPLE

Uninstalling Whatsapp and instead switching to the primitive ways of communicating i.e. Calls or/& Texts:
This will help you get rid of many insignificant and time consuming chats that people engage in via Whatsapp or other messenger apps. I can say this from my personal experience as I am NO more active on Whatsapp since more than 3 weeks and getting back to simplicity i.e. Calls and Texts has made life productive as it gives me more time to do things that matter to me, thus cutting down completely on the time that I use to spend on aimless chats (which was almost 70% of the time). I am still in touch with my close buddies as well as distant friends via text messages and calls, in fact, we meet more often these days than before.

Getting up early (like 5:30 am) and sleeping before 12 at night.Since last more than 25 days I am getting up around 5:30 am and sleeping at around 11 pm or 12 midnight. How is think making my Life simple? Well, as my family gets up around 8 or at times 9 am I get a good deal of 3 to 4 hours of a complete 'ME' time. How does it affect the quality of my Life? I am a book lover and so the moment all my family members are up, the "necessary silence required to focus"and that "reader friendly" ambience gets thrown out of the window. Although, here I am talking about reading, but it is applicable on any activity that adds value to life and that demands you to be in an environment where no one will disturb you for a few hours daily.

The moment you find yourself in a group of people or an individual talking S*IT about things that 'matter to you' just walk away instead of trying to reform their/his/her thoughts:This might sound like avoiding a potential or perhaps a valid debate. But the simple truth is that you cannot change people's thinking. No matter how much you try. Many times it happens with me that I am at a party or in a meeting with office colleagues or at a cafe with my friends and not always but sometimes they end up talking about things that at best, irritate me or at worst, hurt me. It is better to quickly walk away or just pretend as if you have got a call on your cell phone (this can be done using a fake call app) or use any other similar strategy. When should this behavior be exhibited? Only in those situations where talking to them is like wasting time and energy. However, if you are in conversation with someone who is open-minded and wise enough to listen to you, then you can surely invest your time and energy in clearing any misunderstanding that he or she may be having about the subject being discussed. Why is this important? I have noticed that we tend to spend lots of time & effort in being defensive about our beliefs and actions especially when we notice that we are being ridiculed/criticised. Understanding that our values and life's choices are highly independent of what others think and that we alone will be living its consequences, will liberate us from wasting our time and energies in being defensive about them and rather preserving the same energy and time to be used creatively for higher purposes.

Being NON-JUDGEMENTAL:Being extra-judgemental is one of the most easiest ways of over-burdening your mind with lots of unnecessary baggage. Being too judgemental can result in "our body and mind bearing the brunt of that negativity" writes Dr. Cynthia Thaik in this article on Huffington Post

Use KaizenKaizen is a Japanese business philosophy that revolves around continuous improvement of working practices, personal efficiency etc. Our brain tends to consider 'BIG changes' as a threat and so it tries avoiding it by creating reasons and excuses, this habit of ours can be tricked when we break down that 'Change' into 'tiny changes' executed everyday consistently. I think that Kaizen is one of the best tools that adds simplicity to life by breaking down a BIG activity or BIG change into small bits and acting upon every 'bit' daily. Example - Reading 20 pages of a 400 pages book twice a day (Once after getting early in the morning as discussed earlier in this answer and once before going to bed) will allow me to complete that big fat book in 10 days.

Do you have some more tips to share? just type in the Comment section below.

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