Tuesday 18 August 2015

How I took control of my emotional attachment?

I have been in this situation multiple times where I meet a woman of my age or slightly elder to me, I hang out with her a couple of times and indulge in some quality conversations that makes me instantly connect with her. What makes me instantly connect is the fact that many of them exhibit those specific qualities that I value the most. After a few weeks, I feel like I need to talk and meet regularly. More than two days If I do not meet that person, something just doesn't feel right. In almost every experience I realized that the person who lost the most, in terms of valuable time and mental and emotional energy and also the one who went through the most emotional pain was myself. The blame for this lies solely on me.

After going through such experiences repeatedly and paying the price too, I decided to do a detailed self analysis on myself and realized a few things that can be summed up as follows -

  1. There was in me an intense need to be in a companionship especially with someone who can make me feel accepted and in whose company I can find happiness, this was so subtle that I too was not aware of its power to make me emotionally weak. This feeling was responsible for creating that urge to connect with like-minded individuals and specially women (because I think that the kind of love and support we receive from our best friends or special companions from the opposite gender is quite different than that we experience in the company of people of our own gender). When I think of why I had this strong feeling at the first place the only answer I find is in my upbringing where I was in an environment that made me an introvert for quite a long time in my life. Being lonely for most of the time was like a norm for me. Not interacting with people and being quite homely despite of being a boy which is quite a rare scenario, just complicated the whole problem even more.
  2. In a very weird way I use to feel that this person with whom I am attached may not be there with me tomorrow. This scary feeling just intensified my attachment
  3. The most simplest problem with me was that my mind went back and forth between two extremes: first one was where my emotions dominated my reason & the second was when my reason dominated my emotions, it is today I realize that the solution lies when reason and emotions are perfectly balanced
  4. The moment I meet someone and that person happens to be like the one who gives me the space that I longed for, I get attached with her quickly, this is mainly because I have a fear that once I lose this person I will never again get someone like this in the future. This is quite a deep thought, if you reflect on it.
Now let me jot down a few things I did that improved my life.

  1. Firstly, I explored the world around me and in less than 6 months, I successfully turned into a 'peoples person', something that enabled me to interact with many people and make some really quality connections.
  2. Secondly, I realized that when you meet a variety of people who make you feel good, you tend to get a firm control over your attachment with one specific person
  3. Later, I made myself understand, that attachment was not love. Love is quite free from anything that leads to suffering. You can love a person without being addicted to him/her, yes I know it may sound esoteric. But if you read a couple of articles over the web talking about the differences between love and attachments, you will get more clarity about it
  4. Finally, as I evolved, I started to give myself a 'top priority'. I started working out, started reading books, enrolling for courses that enhanced my profile, became active on social media and most importantly I made it a point of being in the company of inspiring and happy people with smile on their faces and cheer in their hearts, I learnt quite a good deal from them on how they manage their attachment issues. This made me stronger and more aware of my own weaknesses
  5. Finally, accepting your weaknesses and working to turn them as your strengths is what makes the whole difference
Hope you will find at least a few things from my answer that will help you in your journey.

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