Tuesday 18 August 2015

Can you judge someone's personality on the way they TALK?

Communication is the best and the most quickest tool to know a person within a short period of time.
I use the following as my parameters:
1. I pay close attention to what topics they randomly choose to talk about. If they talk more about things that are less significant like the a drama on primetime TV or that break up of a friend in the next class, then it is the first indicator of his lack of maturity. I would rather prefer someone with whom I can have value conversations at least 60% of the time if not all the time.
2. The language used should be clean, if way too many Fs are used (like once in every 20 seconds) then it is again a signal for me to start looking at the nearest exit and to avoid running into him or her again.
3. If I am talking about something important about myself or my life, then I would expect them to listen to me uninterruptedly. Interrupting in between to talk something that is unimportant at that moment gives me a big reason to shut such people off my life. Basic empathy is an essential ingredient in any relationship.
4. Talking too loudly (specially in a public place), is another indicator of that person being unconcerned about social mannerisms which is a reason enough for me to judge him/her about the personality he/she has built so far.
5. Talking while using mobile phone way too much is a big NO. This makes the person appear more interested in talking to someone across the network via Whatsapp or any other social media/messenger app than the one sitting right in front of them.
Although the list is long. But for now these are the essentials of how one can be judged or known at a basic level, by carefully observing the way they talk.

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