Saturday 29 August 2015

How to stay positive during tough times?

Probably some of the best things that have ever happened to
you in life, happened because you said yes to something
Although, failures and difficulties are not desired by anyone, on the contrary they are most disliked, but it would be wise to say that one learns the most during low times as compared to times of success, happiness and prosperity. The dark phases of my life are mainly responsible for strengthening me up and preparing for higher responsibilities. These times are fantastic teachers. But one needs to stay calm & composed & do not lose focus of his greater goals in life while experiencing nerve wracking turbulence on this rollercoaster. Here is a a list of things that have helped me in standing tall during difficult times.
  1. Avoiding the company of the 'pessimist types' as much as possible: The kind of people you interact with determines the quality of your life, when you are facing tough times, you will tend to feel low and if you meet pessimists during such times, the pain you are experiences just gets further compounded. I have experienced that pessimistic people have a habit of looking at sad faces and showing temporary concern just to know what is wrong with you and once you share your problems with them they will invest their time and energy in making you feel from bad to worse. Better avoid such a company.
  2. Being in the company of positive or at least neutral minded people: Taking forward the point discussed above, the best way to stay motivated during difficult times is to spend at least an hour or two (may be over a coffee or just over the phone or a chat over facebook/Whatsapp) with people who understand you and who are wise enough to listen to you without interrupting or judging and can give you the much needed space you deserve in order to de-stress yourself 
  3. Awakening your Spiritual side: Spirituality works for me like magic. I do not intend to exaggerate this but I have always found my peace when I connect with God. I meditate, worship, chant his praises and spend time in having a dialogue with Him. Although this may or may not necessarily make my problems disappear, but it does charge me up with peace and hope within and that in turn toughens me up to triumph through tough times
  4. Getting some 'feel good' kind of entertainment that should be strong enough to charge you up: Reading inspiring books, if reading is not your cup of tea, listening to songs or watching that are motivational (My fav one being 'Yes Man'). Entertainment works when people don't.
  5. If you are in situation where you do not have positive people in your life, it is better to take a break and remain alone for some time: When I use to meet people who were experts in turning 'bad' to 'worse' and 'worse' to 'much worse' and sometimes turning even 'much worse' to outright 'pathetic', I realized how important it was to spend some time with myself. 
  6. Exercise, preferably something that involves group activities like Zumba: According to a study done by Mayo Clinic, regular exercise can increase self-confidence, it can relax you, and it can lower the symptoms associated with mild depression and anxiety.

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