Wednesday 5 August 2015

Jobseeker, how good are your good looks?

Like many of you I too use to think that good looks do help in a job interview until I came across a research that claims the opposite. A study done in April this year claims that attractive men are less likely to be given a job in a competitive workplace because they intimidate bosses. "It's not always an advantage to be pretty" said Professor Marko Pitesa, from the University of Maryland where this study was conducted.

There are many articles on the web that talk about grabbing opportunity by giving your best performance in all your interview rounds. I have gone through many YouTube Videos as well as random articles written on all sorts of websites and blogs. If there is any one tactic that really works then with no second thoughts it would be the one described by Anthony Parinello, the author of the best-selling book 'Selling to VITO: The Very Important Top Officer'. According to Parinello, Who you think YOU ARE is the key to success (or failure).

As per Carnegie Institute of Technology, 85% of the hiring decision is based on the personal traits exhibited by the candidate whereas the remaining 15% is based on your skills, experience or proof that what you do is better than other candidates who have applied for the same position. The way you relate to yourself is extremely important as that is an indicator of your personal traits. Self-respect, self-worth and a self-positive attitude are what you must convey in an interview. 

In conclusion, if you really want to get your hands on to that offer letter signed by the Big guy of that corporation, all you need to do is to focus on being expressive about what you really think of yourself as an individual rather than spending hours of time on appearance alone.

Thank you for your time and do leave your comments and let me know what you think about this. Have you had an experience that is totally different to what you have just read.


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