Thursday 6 August 2015

Never outshine your Boss

One of the ways to get what you want from your boss is to make him feel as if he is the smartest person in the room, all the time, every time. However, be careful and make this as subtle as possible, stay away from making it appear obvious. It is a part of our nature as humans to seek direct or indirect appreciation of what we do from people. Even if we claim to be independent and totally free of what people think, we still desire them to react cooperatively to what we do. In conclusion if you want to win over your superior, you will need to let go of your habit of proving to him that your ideas and plans and better than his (which is quite a common mistake we make in order to prove that we are the best ones in the team). Instead, start making them feel special by making them feel safe, cheerful and appreciated. Remember this is one of the ways you can win him over and bring him to your side, once you have established your reputation firmly, there will be no need for you to continue making him feel that way, as by that time you will be on your way in creating a brand of your own within the organisation.

 Author Robert Greene explains this in the very first chapter (title being 'Never outshine your Master) of his book 48 Laws of Power.

To know more about 48 Laws of Power click here.

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