Wednesday 30 September 2015

How can we define a Happy Person?

There are people who despite of having the best resources at their easy disposal, live with mental and emotional emptiness. Frustrated with life and people around them, they long for peace of mind and cheer of heart and then there are the others. These are people, who have gone through the most difficult situations that we can imagine but surprisingly you will find them at peace with themselves and their lives. They will have a smile on their faces for most of the time. They rarely get upset about things that do not work.

I have noticed that happy people have an attitude towards life that is happiness oriented, while others are more vulnerable of becoming victims of hurtful events & people around them.

Here is what the happiness-oriented attitude appears to me:
  1. They know themselves pretty well. They are well aware of what makes them happy and what makes them not-so-happy. They do not hang out with people who suck the positive energy out of them. They do not use products or services that do not add any value to their lives. They do not take decisions and get involved into something that will make them feel dissatisfied
  2. They are concerned only about the things that they can change and for all other global circumstances that they cannot change, they do not think about them (at least not obsessively). Eg - I know people who are concerned about the unfair treatment their team members receive and they make it a point to raise the issue with the higher management but then there are many people who are obsessively concerned about the corrupt politicians running their country and they keep on contemplating and discussing about it, but if you look closely you will find that realistically no change in the Government will take place by their obsessive thoughts about the political system, however, it will undoubtedly lower their energy
  3. They do not take things too personally. Even if someone misbehaves with them, they will either forgive them quickly or give them a subtle sign showing their disgust about their behavior. But never do they allow the offenders the privilege to hurt them. This is because they are free from the need of relying on people to validate their self-worth
  4. They spend their time in doing things that they love to do. They take decisions keeping in mind their personal preferences in terms of emotional satisfaction along with economic progress
  5. They are very particular about the kind of people they spend their time with, as depressing people or people who are constantly complaining, because there is a constant energy exchange that goes on between you and the people around you

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