Wednesday 7 October 2015

Ask these questions to yourself for a better quality of life

When we work for a corporation, we are told to follow a perfect schedule, make reports of our daily productivity and show 100% commitment towards the goals allotted to us by our seniors.

I was turmoiled at the idea that why most people do not apply the same discipline towards improving their personal lives.

After thinking about it for some time, I jotted down a couple of questions in my diary and decided to publish it over here as a blog post.

These are questions that one can ask him/herself as frequently as possible. These questions are designed to give you a clarity whether you are on your way towards your personal happiness or are you wasting your time and energy in doing something with someone for some time at some place that is going to only drain away your health, peace of mind and personal happiness.

Am I utilizing my time in the most valuable way?
The answer to this question clarifies that the way you are spending your time is unproductive and that you better switch to something that will add some value to your life. How about watching a TED talk?

Will this interaction make me inspired or happy?
The answer to this question will serve as a navigator to a better social life. Most times, we end up spending lots of time with energy suckers, without realizing that our happiness is tactfully getting squeezed out of us. Whenever, you feel that the person you are with is causing you stress and sorrow instead of happiness and joy, you know that you need to get away from him/her and spend more time with happy and inspired folks. The aura and vibes that emanates from people does affect you,

Will this food contribute to my good health?
This is a no brainer. Although satisfying your taste buds occasionally is cool. But make sure that the that occasion should not come more than 4 to 5 times a month or else you will be disappointed to see the number on the weighing scale, specially after putting in so much of Gymming efforts. 

Is this product going to make my life quality better or will it bring ease to my everyday life?
Stop buying and collecting stuffs that you will never or perhaps rarely use, if there are things in your room that you've hardly used since past 5 to 6 months then it will be smarted move to sell them or donate them. Simplicity and Minimalism makes life easier. If you do not believe me, then you better watch this TED talk

Will this activity add value to my life?
No brainer part two. Life is not so much of what you think but what you do. If what you do leaves you unsatisfied and pushes you to re-think about your priorities, then you better sit down with a pen and paper and jot down a list of things that bring the highest amount of joy in life.

Are these thoughts helping me stay inspired or happy?
I totally agree that controlling our thoughts is a challenge for many. But since a few days that I have been practicing this habit of questioning myself, I noticed that whenever, my mind goes haywire on unproductive thoughts of the past or future, questioning myself on the thoughts that I am entertaining brings them to a halt and gives me a chance to live fully in the present moment. Although, this may also be the case because at times I do engage in meditation. But never the less, I think we just bring our incessant thoughts under the radar of conscious attention they will eventually cease to exist.

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