Friday 28 August 2015

Does meditation help for depression?

According to WHO, depression is a common mental disorder,
globally, more than 350 million people of all ages suffer from depression
Meditating in its technical definition is described as an activity that involves in focusing one's mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation
In depression one tends to think mostly self-destructive thoughts that further complicate the whole problem. Meditation on the other side, helps in relaxing your mind from the incessant activity of thinking. It gives your mind a much needed break. When you meditate regularly, one tends to feel as if you have gained some degree of control over your thoughts and emotions and at the same time you start feeling like you are living more in the present moment and less in the future or past (which is precisely what one tends to do in depression).
I remember enrolling for the Art of Living Part 1 course back then in 2009 and as meditation was practiced regularly it did bring me a very strong sense of clarity in terms of summoning up my strengths together so that I can take steps to resolve all my issues within myself one after another. However, I did not stop at meditation alone. I started watching motivational movies and documentaries, 'The Secret by Rhonda Byrne' being one of them. Started reading some inspirational books and started making myself open to new and positive people in order to create some healthy connections that can help me get out of this rut (I strongly believe that the people you hangout with affects the quality of your life).
As a conclusion I strongly think that that if you are depressed for a very long time and if you do not have anyone in your life who can give you the space where you can free your emotional burden, then meditation and spirituality are the two most powerful tools that can turn the tables around, provided that you keep walking on that path until you feel completely refreshed on an emotional and mental level. I say all of this as someone who suffered from a combination of social phobia and depression for more than 4 years of my teenage life.

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